What if I Get Hurt at a Festival?


Here in Garden City and the rest of Long Island, there are many festivals for locals or tourists to attend, and, for the most part, participants get exactly what they pay for. However, every festival holds the potential to contain some accident that leaves attendees injured.

If you recently suffered injuries while attending a festival, you may want to file a personal injury claim to cover the costs of your recovery and address any other losses you suffer because of the injury. This is an excellent approach, and every festival that takes place should have insurance policies to address this sort of possibility.

However, festivals also present unique circumstances that often add a few layers of complexity in identifying the proper responsible parties in a personal injury suit. Whereas a person who suffers an injury in a restaurant would probably simply sue the restaurant, a festival is an intrinsically temporary thing.

While it is certainly possible to pursue a personal injury suit on your own, it is not usually a wise course of action. Many people find that the process is more complex than they anticipate, and often this results in them accepting a lesser award than they deserve.

One of the most effective ways to approach any personal injury suit is by enlisting the guidance of an experienced attorney who understands the nuances of pursuing fair compensation through a lawsuit. Professional guidance can help you focus on recovering from the injury and usually results in a significantly larger settlement than private individuals manage to secure on their own.

What to do after an accident

After any accident, no matter where or how it occurs, you should always obtain proper medical treatment. This is useful in a number of ways, for both you and your potential personal injury suit.

On a very basic human level, you deserve proper medical treatment after an injury. Ideally, every person who ever suffered an injury would receive proper care, but many people choose not to seek out proper medical treatment after an accident because they don't know if they can afford it.

However, in an injury accident at a music festival or other event, you probably are not ultimately responsible for the medical costs. It may take some time to resolve the issue fairly, but you should not wait until it is resolved to seek out treatment.

Not only does seeking medical treatment establish official documentation that is crucial in an injury suit, but it also helps prevent your injuries from turning more severe. What might seem like a moderate injury can become very serious or even life-threatening if you do not take proper steps to receive medical care.

Also, should you choose to not seek medical attention, the defendant in a personal injury claim may make the case that they don't owe you much if the injury was not serious enough for you to seek medical attention in the aftermath.

Who are the defendants?

Like we mentioned earlier, an attorney is often very useful in determining who the responsible parties are in your injury. For instance, in the case of an injury at a music festival, you may sue the festival entity itself, a subcontractor who supplied equipment that factored into your injury, or even the owner of the property hosting the event.

If the event took place on the city or government-owned property, as many festivals do, you must also follow additional guidelines to sue a government entity.

Whatever course of action you take, be sure that you have all the guidance you need so that you can rest assured you receive fair and complete compensation when the matter ultimately resolves.
